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  • About this Webcast

    Retaining Talent Through Intentional Leadership focuses on practical strategies that build inclusive, high-trust cultures.

    Research in ANZ shows that executive leaders need to plan for a year-over-year turnover rate that is 50% to 75% higher than normal.

    In this war for talent, compensation plays a key role—but it's not just about money.

    The best organisations are building talent strategies that value, engage, and retain the whole person.

    What we will cover in this highly interactive executive session:

      • Research and trends: four main factors why people may plan to leave their jobs in record numbers this year.

      • Satisfaction versus engagement: the role of intentional leadership in driving engagement inside your organisations.

      • Retention and attraction: how to differentiate your culture with the right leadership mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets for a human-centered approach.

  • Your Take-aways

    Join us for this timely webcast where we share:

         • Current research on 'The Great Reshuffle' in Australia and New Zealand.

         • Practical skills that you can use immediately to retain your people.

         • How you can leverage culture to prevent unwanted attrition.

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