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TRUST IS TODAY’S CURRENCY—everything a leader says and does affects the level of trust on their team.

When individuals and teams work with high trust, speed goes up, innovation accelerates and engagement skyrockets. When trust is low, people lose confidence, withhold their efforts and ultimately look elsewhere.

Are you confident that your leaders are modelling the high-trust behaviours that enable their team members to say: 
“I am a valued member of a winning team, doing meaningful work in an environment of trust”?

During this live 60-minute webcast, Catherine Nelson, GM of FranklinCovey ANZ, shares the latest research into creating high-trust cultures so learners can:
  • Positively impact business results; 
  • Bring teams together while cultivating a sense of safety and belonging; and 
  • Build a culture that attracts and maintains top talent and drives innovation

Improve communication, creativity, and engagement by developing high-trust teams today! Don’t miss out on this fast-paced webcast highlighting how you can develop your leaders and teams to create the ultimate differentiator—a high-trust culture.

Stream our webcast today!

  • Meet Your Presenter

    Catherine Nelson.jpg

    Catherine Nelson

    As the General Manager of FranklinCovey ANZ, Catherine is passionate about helping people and organisations become truly effective by incorporating timeless principles and practices into everything they do. As a hands-on leader, she understands the challenges and opportunities leaders face every day; especially creating and executing strategies through and with people. 

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