Inclusive Leadership

Practical Ways to Cultivate Inclusion & Build a Better Team

Thursday 14th March 2024 / 11am - 12pm AEDT / Live on Zoom

Leaders—more than anything else—directly influence each team member’s workplace experience. Organisations with inclusive leaders are more likely to be high-performing, engaged, and achieve better business results.

However, many leaders haven’t developed the skills to disrupt bias, lead inclusively, and create a strong sense of belonging that invites every team member to offer their best.

During this live 60-minute webcast, we will highlight how leaders can:

  • Connect to understand every person’s unique skills and needs.
  • Create opportunity by looking for potential in every team member and addressing barriers to success.
  • Cultivate team inclusion by engaging the team to shape and sustain culture.

Register today to build exceptional leaders, teams, and cultures that get results!

  • Meet Your Presenter

    Meet Your Presenter

    Paul Crowther (crop).jpg

    Paul Crowther
    As Head of Consulting for FranklinCovey ANZ, Paul is responsible for ensuring world-class delivery and consultation services are provided to organisations to improve performance in four main areas: Individual Effectiveness, Leadership, Culture and Strategy Execution. Paul is passionate about coaching individuals, teams, organisations and communities to realise their potential and to make a difference in this world.

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